Long time waiting

Hi Paul!

Hi Paul!

Not really sure if Paul hears me.

I’ve never met Paul, I wonder what he’s like. Maybe we wouldn’t get along. He could be a Pro-life supporter, defend pesticides or another cause that could lead to deep discussions. I can’t really say, never discussed my ideas with Paul. Maybe he’s mute, so we wouldn’t have any discussions at all, at least on a spoken level. Smart people say that if one of the senses is impaired, the other ones are heightened. Perhaps Paul has a heightened sight and is a hunter, not too much Pro-life in that respect… doesn’t look like Paul though, I thought.

Paul, can you hear me??

Well, if he’s mute, maybe he’s also deaf, so it’s pointless for me to call him. In any case, I wish Paul could hear me. Not because I have something important to say, but I think he’s a good storyteller (not a favorable skill if you’re mute) and I’d like to listen to some good old stories, we all like that. I’m positive he speaks loud and clear.

I believe he was born some time ago, in a very interesting period of time and he should have experienced plenty of life changing events, the ones you only read about in books or watch on Discovery Channel. I’m always eager to talk to anyone who has experienced great events with their own eyes. I hope Paul is not blind! You know what they say about people who have one of their senses impaired? I’m sure you do!

I wish Paul was here. Maybe I’d only ask him why he wasn’t here earlier when I started calling out for him. Was he doing something exciting? Maybe I could have joined. Maybe he has a girlfriend; he probably has a girlfriend, he should be a nice guy and girls are usually amused by a well told story. Maybe because girls think all stories are true and a small film plays in their minds as the story unveils. I’m sure they picture all stories with lots of glamour, nice locations and scarves. Girls love scarves and the actors in their imaginary films always wear fancy scarves. Scarves match with glamour and nice locations...ah and a cabriolet! I’m sure of that, although I’ve never seen one of these movies myself.

Scarves are details. Girls pay attention to details; if you miss out a tiny little comma on a conversation, they make this funny face as if something was very wrong, those faces that only girls can do. I think Paul wouldn't miss out on any details, a surgeon storyteller he must be, that’s why he must have a girlfriend, he pays attention to details, I figured.

Still no news from Paul!

I don’t know if I should wait for long, Paul has no idea I’m waiting for him and I’m not sure if he wants to see me. Maybe he’s tired; he could be out for a very long walk. He could be one of these people who go for walks. One asks “where are you going?”, and Paul-like people answer “I’m just going out for a walk!”. I've never quite got that. Maybe these people just wanna leave, so they walk, but normally they come back, so that doesn't add up. Maybe they just want to think and the fresh air helps the ideas to settle. Maybe Paul is in trouble and he needs to think about something and wandering around might help him. Well, that’s Paul’s business, he must have his reasons.

I’m getting tired of waiting for Paul, also a bit a hungry and very thirsty. I could have some wine. It has been long since I last had a good wine. It’s been long since I puzzled over something while having some wine. It’s been long for many things, including waiting for Paul. Paul is gone, long gone I figure. I wonder if he really is a good storyteller or even mute. Well, we can all wonder or wander, like Paul. With a glass of wine you can wonder and wander with the company of whomever you like and have a great time. Today I chose Paul, even though he wasn’t there. Maybe I should have a better wine next time.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Mas que surpresa!Já o tinha dado como desaparecido.Gostei,beijãoHCM