Thanks to wine there is the kiss!

Stefano was still roaming around the Napoleonic land, close by the Bordeaux region. Looking at the timetable at Gare de Saint-Jean, in a sudden decision full of sweet flavours, his next destination was settled.

-          Monsieur, un billet vers le sud, svp! On y va!!

The train slowly starts its course towards the south, having only the Garonne River as company, Stefano notices a magazine on the seat next to him, probably forgotten by a distracted passenger. Skimming through it, our Enofriend sees himself diving into a story from long long ago, and interesting as it was he went with the flow.

The Roman Empire is a well known period, full of legends and stories almost crossing the lines of the believable, led by limitless emperors and characters known as the old version of latinos mucho locos. Before that, however, there was a time known as the Republic, full of rules, regulations and a severe code of conduct where men where allowed everything and women… well, women were allowed nothing.

Difficult times to our Roman girls; it was nothing about voting rights or anything political, to them it was denied the right to drink wine. Wine! They were not allowed to drink the precious Baco’s nectar, reserved only to men wash down their smoked boar ribs.

Still having the Garonne as company, Stefano asked himself whether to continue reading this story; how come wine could have been object of such an outrage. Confident the villain would ultimately become the hero, he carried on reading.

That ancient Rome, by a Senate’s decision, forbade women to drink in public. The poor Roman ladies could not feast on wine and laughter with their friends in white tunic outfits and chat about the future of the land of Romulus and Remus. A privilege only granted to the bearded, armored loyal servants of the Republic… men!

Well, well, Stefano thought, all in all, it seems quite an easy rule to break. Leave a small bottle on that purses’s hidden pocket and when the Pretorian is not looking, glup, glup, one little sip and then another… just to see the world in brighter colors.

These Romans conquered almost all the world known to men at that point in time, for sure they have thought that through, right?

Indeed, they did! It was called the breathalyzer. It was not a high-tech device as we know today, but the concept was similar… in essence, one could say. Lacking the electronics and chemicals we have today, guards had to smell the Roman ladies little mouths to detect any trace of wine. And that’s how they did it, men inspecting women’s breaths; a smart hunting to Roman bad girls had started and with the natural evolution of things, latin spirits flying high, it was not long before  their lips were touching and for the first kiss to ever happen. In essence, wine was responsible for the birth of kiss!

Stefano was relieved. Wine could not be the villain in this story, it was the hero after all. Without this ban on wine for women, there would be no kiss, it looks like every cloud has a silver lining, Stefano thought.

Last stop. The train had just arrived at the Gare of Langon. Stefano steps out of the Gare and heads to the great Chateau D’Yquem to discover this particular Sauternes, considered as the holy grail of sweet wine, made from Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc and Muscadelle grapes. This tiny region aggregates a series of climate factors contributing to the arrival of the noble rot. This fungus leads the grape to lose water leaving it with a raisin like aspect and high levels of sugar, essential for the production of Sauternes.

After visiting the caves and discussing with the winemakers, Stefano tasted the world-class Sauternes and was impressed with the outcome of the work of a Fungus. Anywhere else in the work, at any given crop, Fungae is a disgrace, but not here, in Sauternes it is a blessing. Like the weather in Ancient Rome, every cloud has a silver lining.

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